With the high price of scrap metal, we've been loading and hauling away old equipment from the junk hill on a farm we've bought, and my internet time has been limited.
In my mailbox: I've received several checks from survey companies, as well as a couple of product tests. I can't mention what the product tests are (due to the confidentiality agreement) but I can say that if you haven't participated in a product test, you are really missing out.
Basically, as you are working through a survey, and near the end, you will be presented a question that asks something to the effect of "if we were to send you some of "XYZ product" would you be willing to try it and tell us what you think of it." Of course you reply yes, enter your mailing address, and wait
In my inbox: Recently I qualified for another online focus group. Again, I signed a confidentiality agreement, and cannot discuss the details of the group, but can share that at times, I wonder what I've gotten myself in to. Each day there are a half dozen or so essay type questions to answer, and some of the questions make absolutely no sense at all. I always thought I could write something about anything, but these...well lets just say that I'm earning every penny of the generous compensation they are paying. OH - and if you do not "fully participate" then you will not be "fully compensated." That is motivation enough.
Giveaway entered: Deb over at Just A Mom's Take on Things is hosting a giveaway for a Kodak PULSE Digital Picture Frame. This digital frame is more advanced than any that I have seen in the past.
Entries close for the giveaway on Thursday, March 31st at 11:59 pm EST. Thanks Deb for hosting such a great giveaway, and I'm crossing my fingers that one of my entries is chosen!